Friday, June 20, 2008

The Zany catchup post

Ya so I´ve decided im pretty much the Dr. Dre of the blog game. Long wait, lots of hype and a more than satisfactory result than a much much delayed followup.

So after San Jose we hit up Manuel Antonio National Parc / Quepos. When we got there we were suprised that it was not merely a town near the parc but it actually had a pretty amazing beach (and this is coming from a guy who is a bit of a playa hater... get it)

We found a hostel ran by a german expat and his tica wife, who like seemingly all ticas between the ages of 16-27 was either with small child or very pregnant.

While the hostel accomodations left something to be desired we absolutly loved the insanely cheap breakfast. 1500 colones (about 3 bucks) got us papaya, watermelon, pineapple, corn pancakes with syrup (of course maple-styled corn syrup featuring la essence of maple, sounds almost poetic rather than mass manufactured). After I ate this they came with the hot breakfast plate of scambled eggs, toast and gallo pintos (the omnipresent rice and beans).

On our first night we met some Texans, who although quite nice, displayed some classic texasims when they remarked ¨I can´t believe y´all are friendly, we´ve never met ANYONE friendly outside of texas¨. After that I realized how after all these years I have neglected the fact that I am one of two nice non-texans in the world. Oh Rapture!!!

While watching the Celtics shallack the Lakers, Brian felt it was appropriate to drown his sorrows in Jim Beam and prompltly got shit faced (me being the sober voyeur i am only got half slurry and even more sarcastic to boot). We ended up walking an hour and a half in 35 degree heat to find the IT bar, which although a lot of fun mainly consisted of Tico men salsaing their ass off and stealing all the white chicks from the tourists (I guess their is just never enough white chicks to go around. I´m almost positive I have that on a bumper sticker)

As we nursed our hangover that day we were alarmingly awoken by extremly loud dutch at 6 am. That was about it for Brian as he decided the timely reponse to this impromptu alarm clock would be to fire his barf cannons ASAP.

We decided the best hangover cure would be a nice dip in the ocean, which made us both feel better but eventually we got a weird urge to surf. One of the texans from the night previous gave us a few tips and we felt we were clearly above instruction. BAD CALL. We got tossed around the waves worse than a red-headed step child. Leaving battered and bruised we decided to turn in for the day.

At Dinner we assembled a posse of a couple from Chicago, the two dutch girls/alarm clocks (who actually were really nice yet they felt acclimated to North American culture through watching Friends.) a San Diego/ Coloradoan who had just returned from filming an episode of the French version of Takeshi´s Castle.

The next day we woke up early to see the national park. It was deemed neccesary to splurge on a tourguide in order to maximize the amount of wildlife we saw. And oh the animals we saw Capuchin monkeys, three towed sloths, White Frogs, 4 kinds of Lizards and much more. The unfortunate casualty of this amazing park was my New Balances which after being soaked in Sea Water and then hastily jammed in to the bottom of back took on an odor of salty decaying jellyfish (Soon to be panted by CK as next years hottest scent)

After some Nicaruagan rum and a little rump shaking at the ladies night next door to our hostel we went to bed, thinking of our great times in Manuel Antonio and preparing ourselves for the general sluttiness of Jaco.... To Be Continued

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